“Slavische Bazar” 19 juli avondprogramma vanaf 19.30 uur

Kwartet Musica Nostalgia gaat 19 juli as optreden op een feestelijk midzomerevenement “Slavische Bazar” op het 17e eeuwse Geelvinck Hinlopen stadspaleis aan de Herengracht in Amsterdam – we zien jullie heel graag !!! Het programma is zeer divers.



Ticket price, including Russian and Uzbek food, vodka tasting and above mentioned programme €32,50 per person. Dress code: tenue de ville or Eastern European traditional clothing.


* For the evening programme: Please transfer the above-mentioned amount (member or non member) per person to the bank account IBAN:  NL18 RABO 01581.67.252 of  STICHTING RUSLAND DAG with reference ”1907” and your e-mail address for the confirmation (instead of  ”@” please type ”at”). In case of payment for more than one person please include the name + e-mail address for each participant. Otherwise we cannot confirm the registration. Cancellations made before 12.00 on 18th July will be fully refunded. As from 18th July 12.00 no refund will be possible.

Keizersgracht  633